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Aero MB-200

Každý "zralejší¨ modelář si jistě pamatuje, jak se cítil, když poprvé uviděl tu obrovskou krabici od tehdejšího výrobce Kovozávody Prostějov. S postupujícím věkem pak člověk lituje, že tuhle létající krabici nikdo nevyrábí ve čtvrtce. Takže co s tím? Připravit. Vyrobit a je to. Takže připravujeme...

Marcel Bloch MB.200

Po dokončení modelu Aero MB-200 bude následovat také původní francouzská verze Marcel Bloch MB.200

Avia (Fokker) F.IX / F.IXD

V meziválečném období byl u nás licenčně stavěn Fokker F.IX jako dopravní letoun, nicméně konstruktér Avie Inž. František Novotný z něj vyvinul vojenský bombardér. Připravujeme model jak dopravního, tak i vojenského letounu.

Avia 57

Because the original Letov Š.33 could not fly very well, they decided to rebuild it a bit and equip it with a different engine. Unfortunately, even this did not help and the aircraft was officially cancelled after 47 test flights, during which it spent less than 10 hours in the air. And this rebuilt version of the failed long-range bomber is also ready for you.

12. 4. 1935 letoun havaroval asi 7 minut po Avii 156 u Vinoře. Ani jeden z pilotů nepřežil. V reálu letoun úspěšný nebyl a spousta lidí ani neví, že takový stroj existoval. Nicméně je to krasavec, proto jsme se rozhodli pustit i do něj.

Letov Š-6

Because the original Letov Š.33 could not fly very well, they decided to rebuild it a bit and equip it with a different engine. Unfortunately, even this did not help and the aircraft was officially cancelled after 47 test flights, during which it spent less than 10 hours in the air. And this rebuilt version of the failed long-range bomber is also ready for you.

Letov Š-32

Because the original Letov Š.33 could not fly very well, they decided to rebuild it a bit and equip it with a different engine. Unfortunately, even this did not help and the aircraft was officially cancelled after 47 test flights, during which it spent less than 10 hours in the air. And this rebuilt version of the failed long-range bomber is also ready for you.

Aero A.42

Because the original Letov Š.33 could not fly very well, they decided to rebuild it a bit and equip it with a different engine. Unfortunately, even this did not help and the aircraft was officially cancelled after 47 test flights, during which it spent less than 10 hours in the air. And this rebuilt version of the failed long-range bomber is also ready for you.

Be-50 Beta-Minor

Because the original Letov Š.33 could not fly very well, they decided to rebuild it a bit and equip it with a different engine. Unfortunately, even this did not help and the aircraft was officially cancelled after 47 test flights, during which it spent less than 10 hours in the air. And this rebuilt version of the failed long-range bomber is also ready for you.

Aero A-104

Because the original Letov Š.33 could not fly very well, they decided to rebuild it a bit and equip it with a different engine. Unfortunately, even this did not help and the aircraft was officially cancelled after 47 test flights, during which it spent less than 10 hours in the air. And this rebuilt version of the failed long-range bomber is also ready for you.

Aero A-34/34J/34W/134 Kos

Because the original Letov Š.33 could not fly very well, they decided to rebuild it a bit and equip it with a different engine. Unfortunately, even this did not help and the aircraft was officially cancelled after 47 test flights, during which it spent less than 10 hours in the air. And this rebuilt version of the failed long-range bomber is also ready for you.

Aero A-35

Because the original Letov Š.33 could not fly very well, they decided to rebuild it a bit and equip it with a different engine. Unfortunately, even this did not help and the aircraft was officially cancelled after 47 test flights, during which it spent less than 10 hours in the air. And this rebuilt version of the failed long-range bomber is also ready for you.

Letov Š-39/139/239

Because the original Letov Š.33 could not fly very well, they decided to rebuild it a bit and equip it with a different engine. Unfortunately, even this did not help and the aircraft was officially cancelled after 47 test flights, during which it spent less than 10 hours in the air. And this rebuilt version of the failed long-range bomber is also ready for you.


Our first helicopter model

Wright XF3W-1

A model of a sports plane from 1935. We are still in the rough design stage and you can look forward to it in 1:48, 1:32 and of course also in standard 1/72 scale.

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